Baby Chick Update!!

I told you about how we got them here.  And with the beautiful weather we had the other day, it was time for them to move out to the hen yard!  We have a “chicken tractor” that they will live in till they don’t need to eat “baby food”.  It looks kind of like a dog house with a wire run attached.  It sits on skids so it can be slid around onto new grass.  We have a heat lamp in there at night so they can warm up if they need to.

It looks like we are at about 50% roosters, and that’s normal.  It’s hard to be really really sure till they start to crow, but there are some of the boys with pointy tail feathers, and slightly larger “spur buds” on their legs.  We are working on finding folks who are interested in them (the boys) and I am sure we will be able to get them into good homes.  Here is a shot of the chick transporter..

And here are some of the kids in their new diggs!  If some of them don’t look familiar, that’s because my wife picked up a couple of Buff Orpingtons (they are very heavy egg layers) and we had a friend with a little white silky who needed a home (he/she was getting the stuffing beat out of her by her roommates).

Well let you know how it goes from here!

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